About a year of tweets, archived here for posterity.

I began this current journal, XSML, with the intent of reducing my own notes to extra small, XML-friendly updates. Increasingly, I have been drawn by the allure of the 140 character limit of Twitter. I may get a round Tuit and synchronize my use of Twitter with this blog. For now, here’s a dump of about a year’s worth of tweets in a single post:

  • Xavier: Glowing at the OK Corral http://bit.ly/f8NCX8
  • “Books don’t become best sellers because they are ahead of their time.” Stephanie Coontz on Friedan via Louis Menand, http://t.co/ZEeKRgK
  • Belgian students riot on Ryanair flight: http://bbc.in/epBVc3 Was civility a victim of more bad price signaling? http://abcn.ws/gu1HOK
  • A juicy, meaty, tasty read on football, concussions, televised sports, journalism, money, race… etc! http://t.co/JtjR6yO in The New Yorker
  • on dictatorships harnessing “self-pitying, bullying shitheads.” http://bit.ly/idxANe cf. Cuba’s “actos de repudio,” via Matthew Yglesias
  • “Three takes on JP Morgan and Madoff” http://reut.rs/f3oZEN is also a fresh take on how online competition is sharpening analysis in news.
  • yellow is the next purple. i’m pretty sure it’s not but i’m going to pretend it is and hope things break my way.
  • UCSB prof. on Egypt: “a return of very powerful and vastly organized labor movements, principally among youth.” http://bit.ly/hZB47J via TPM
  • “As pro-Mubarak demonstrators roam Cairo, Egypt’s Internet roars back to life” http://bit.ly/f2NEHW – Foreign Policy’s Passport
  • A history of ideas: In the 19th century, scientists pointed an elaborate telescope at distant societies. In the 20th, they turned it around.
  • The Internet is not enough: Matthew Yglesias chimes in on stunted technological progress and economic bubbles. http://bit.ly/hLHZBe
  • The U.S. is often criticized for its military aid to illiberal regimes but with Egypt it’s been a progressive tactic http://nyti.ms/ece00P
  • Why do we say “my God” and not “our God”? #foxholes
  • want to bite your nails to the raw? watch the astoundingly tense The Verdict with Paul Newman: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084855/
  • Magical. Chris Matthews grilling Tea Party Express co-founder Russo on Rep. Bachmann’s slavery denialism: http://on.msnbc.com/fRJnCg
  • Did the Obama White House, as headed by Michelle and Barack, just launch what will be their legacy? WalMart goes healthy and localvore?
  • If heterosexuality is the key to raising healthy children, time to close every school and home run by asexual priests and nuns.
  • 10,000 species. Most of us can’t even keep eight things in mind.Climate Threatens Birds From Tropics to Mountaintops – http://nyti.ms/i6Pcr1
  • Pro tip to high schoolers: consider a career in http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geotechnical_engineering & profit from global warming floods.
  • Lazy food service analogy: linear TV is omakase. Video on demand is buffet.
  • When all cars have smartphone jacks, how will broadcast radio (antenna and/or satellite) compare to personalized radio via mobile web?
  • Morbid coincidence: ill person shoots embattled healthcare access advocate, others. Are victims externalities of a patchy health safety net?
  • i love the days when everyone jokes “see you next year” or “see you in [currentYear+1]”. it’s like a big carnaval for the fiction of time.
  • In Hollywood and then Highland Park, passed two billboards en español for American Idol. The great brown hope.
  • El Bulli or Marinetti? Pieces of olive, fennel, and kumquat are eaten with right hand while the left caresses sandpaper, velvet, and silk.
  • Google Ngram for “father, mother” http://t.co/N4gnvoV
  • Hunter climbs into bear’s den, kills bear, boasts about it. Controversy ensues: http://bit.ly/eZJA8U
  • Rainy weeks are first disorienting in Los Angeles. Then familiar. We are returning. The water drenched clouds envelop the earth like a womb.
  • Thoughtful, fun read on computer languages – really, on computer programmers and their dogmatism: The Semicolon Wars http://bit.ly/hBzLAU
  • Can the curiosity of different cities be compared by the length of delays caused by rubbernecking on its highways?
  • The ending of American Psycho the movie is even better than I remembered. The commercials that followed it were creepier.
  • Russia as the Baltimore depicted in The Wire, only with nukes and vast energy reserves: NYT on leaked cables http://bit.ly/fTEeQK
  • Some heavy, fun ish: Why Farmers Are Flocking to Manure | Atlantic http://t.co/7D5vO4o
  • “Are you ready for an uneventful flight?” the passenger asked the captain. Wouldn’t it be better if he were ready for an eventful one?
  • One of the major political movements of our time is an effort to redefine selfishness as patriotic. Maybe that’s nothing new.
  • check the angle of repose: feeling awfully like this “fat monkey made of flip flops” http://bit.ly/bwCC9O
  • so very sad, Google StreetView images curated by Jon Rafman via @waxpancake http://9eyes.tumblr.com/
  • The majority of the audience at the Foals show was born after Nirvana’s Nevermind. #recalibrating
  • The more Spanish language TV shows Whitman’s former maid bawling, the more Whitman’s campaign has to pump money into Spanish language TV.
  • The singer for Junior Boys sounds a little like Don Henley after a swallow of helium.